Thursday, March 9


Cleaned live snails


Snail is a great meat, very nutrituous, full of vitamins and minerals. it is a very great source of protein with low fat and cholesterol, but getting snails clean before use can be worrisome due to the snail slime.

So, you have live snails and you want to clean the snails, removing the slime perfectly well without going through the rigour of breaking the snail shells? You are in the right place.

Snails can be cleaned with different food items depending on what you have available or which you prefer.

These items are: Lime, lemon, alum, garri, and white vinegar with salt

For this write up, we would be using lemon and alum. Lemon is very efficient and alum gives it that perfect finishing. 

  • Bowl
  • Pot
  • Fork
  • Lemon
  • Alum

  • Get your live snails
  • Put the snails in a pot, add water and boil for 10 minutes.
  • In a bowl, using a fork to pull out the flesh of the snail out of the shell.
  • Remove the offals.
  • Cut the lemons, squeeze out the juice into the bowl of snails and scrub with both palms.
  • Continue scrubbing  till the slime is off.
  • Rinse till the water is clear.
  • Then, scrub wit alum for a perfect finishing and your snails are ready for use.

For cleaning snails with the other items check here. 


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